How long do pigeons live? Pigeons who are well cared for typically outlive the lifespan of most pet birds. This is due to adequate food, shelter, and veterinary attention being provided for them.
Students also train and fly in a controlled environment to become comfortable with long-distance flights. Furthermore, they receive adequate nutrition including proteins (14-18%), fats (4-5%), and carbohydrates.
Pigeons are flock birds, meaning they form close bonds between members of their family groups and themselves.
Pigeons are smart, emotional, and social animals who can survive in many habitats including urban settings where food, shelter, and water are readily available. Used often as messenger birds or for racing events; unfortunately some cruel training practices have resulted in injuries or even deaths for these amazing birds.
How long do pigeons live?
Pigeons typically live for 3 to 5 years in the wild. The answer to the question ‘how long do pigeons live?’ might have a distinct answer as pet pigeons may live longer. In fact, some species have even reached 15 years old!
Pigeons typically live short lives in the wild due to predators and disease; their mortality increases further in cities due to an absence of natural food sources and protection. If they’re cared for properly with proper diets and shelter, however, they could live much longer. So how long do pigeons live could be determined by knowing their average age.
Domestic pigeons tend to be darker in hue than their wood pigeon counterparts due to an adaptation that allows them to blend in seamlessly with urban environments composed of concrete, pavement, and dark metal structures – this allows them to escape being noticed by predators while simultaneously hiding from fellow pigeons.
Pigeons as pets

Pigeons are well known for their adaptability and resilience in various environments. This ability has seen them serve as messengers and even become the backbone of racing sports, yet their loveable and engaging qualities still make them engaging pets.
Pigeons are intelligent birds that form close bonds with humans over time – but earning their trust takes patience.
Things To Consider
Pigeon care & keeping involves providing food and water while providing exercise. They must also be kept free from predators such as cats and dogs, which could include predator mites.
Incorporating fresh vegetables such as chickweed, endive, carrots, spinach, or berries into their daily feed regimen may provide them with additional vitamins they might otherwise miss out on.
If you’re considering keeping a pet pigeon as a companion animal, you must find a vet with expertise in exotic animals.
Many veterinarians consider pigeons to be wild birds; therefore when making appointments you might need to specify that yours is domesticated.
When checking its health you should open its feet and examine its pads (a good way to spot issues like arthritis or fungus), smell its breath for signs of canker, look at its feces (bad smell indicates sour crop) as well and ensure that fresh drinking water sources remain readily accessible.
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Different kinds of pigeons
Pigeons belong to the Columbinae family and can be found worldwide. These social birds tend to gather together and utilize vocalizations such as whistles or honks as communication between members of their flock.
Pigeons tend to avoid predators but can be deterred with visual or auditory deterrents in certain areas; their flicker fusion rate allows them to quickly process visual information.
Feral Pigeons

Feral pigeons have become common sights around human cities and can often be seen roosting on building ledges or eaves, in parks or urban paved areas where food waste accumulates; they have even been known to find refuge from predators in urban paved areas and parks where food remains unconsumed for multiple days after having been attacked by them!
Feral pigeons have an incredible capacity for recovery after being injured – even those severely attacked can return fully functional within days!
Female pigeons typically nest once every year and lay two white eggs that will incubate for 40 hours before hatching.
After the eggs hatch, their offspring are fed a milky substance called “crop milk” made up of partially digested seeds and other foods; once weaned at five days old, they begin eating independently.
Male pigeons perform elaborate mating dances to attract potential mates or other pigeons. They’ll spin, coo, and flick their wings to grab their partner’s attention – using these movements can even coax females into breeding positions!
How do pigeons eat?
Pigeons are adaptable feeders that thrive in urban environments due to their ability to find food at any opportunity. From seeds and grains, fruit, vegetables, leftover human foods, or insects and earthworms – pigeons have no problems finding sustenance around the globe!
Pigeons have a poor sense of taste, relying instead on shape, texture, and color when selecting foods to eat.
Their diet primarily consists of grains and seeds such as barley, corn, wheat, peas, sunflower seeds millet among others – each providing essential nutrition for keeping healthy and active lives.
What to Feed Pigeons?
How long do pigeons live, this might depend a lot on what you feed them if you keep pigeons as pets. When feeding pigeons, try offering a range of foods to avoid monotony and nutritional deficiencies.
For instance, feeding them only rice may lead them to become bored over time and develop malnutrition as a result.
It is also essential that fresh fruit and vegetables such as berries, apples, celery and kale be provided regularly as these sources provide essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
One essential dietary need for pigeons is protein. You can supply their diets with this essential element by giving them small portions of meat, chicken or fish now and again, along with crushed eggshells to aid digestion and provide calcium for bone health. Finally, don’t forget their water needs; an adult pigeon needs approximately 50ml daily!
The Ultimate Line
Pigeons are familiar birds often seen swooping down to land on rooftops, sidewalks, and streets. While these birds might appear as mere street residents, pigeons play important roles both environmentally and historically. I hope finding the answer to ‘How long do pigeons live’ was helpful for you.