Clear Skin: 10 Expert Tips for Achieving It in Just 6 Weeks

10 Pro Tips To Get Clear Skin In Just 6 Weeks

A few suggestions to help you to achieve Clear skin include cleansing your face every day and exfoliating, moisturizing as well as getting enough rest and taking time to relax.

Sometimes, it’s difficult to figure out what your skin requires to be as healthy as you can. Everyday we are bombarded by ads for different cosmetics and skincare products and also suggestions from influencers on social media and other experts in beauty.

What does the research suggest your skin actually requires? What is the best way to go about your search to have a glowing, clear skin and what isn’t?

This article will help answer these questions by offering eleven evidence-based suggestions on how is possible to do in order for you attain that radiant skin you’ve always wanted.

1. Wash your face twice a day for Clear Skin

If you have oily skin or are acne-prone, it’s best to wash your face twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed.

Participants in the Trusted Source study were instructed to wash their faces once, twice, or four times per day for six weeks.

  • By the end of the study, people who washed their face twice a day had fewer acne lesions.
  • Participants who cleansed their faces only once a day experienced the biggest increase in acne.
10 Expert Tips for Achieving Clear Skin in Just 6 Weeks

2. Use a gentle cleanser

Most drugstore aisles are stocked with several facial cleansers. Trying to decide which one is best for you might be difficult.

When it comes to selecting the “best” cleanser, fancy may not always be better.

A systematic review.

A reliable source of 14 studies discovered that there is minimal difference in breakouts regardless of the cleanser used.

The study examined everything from washing bars and antibacterial soaps to cleansers containing alpha- and beta-hydroxy acids.

While it may be disheartening if you’ve spent a lot of money on a high-end cleanser, the main fact is that keeping things simple is usually better.

A mild cleaner that contains fewer parts and no fragrance can be as effective as the most expensive cleaners.

3. Use an anti-acne agent

There are a number of topical treatments that can help with acne, says the American Academy of Dermatology.. Knowing what type of acne you have is essential for determining the best effective acne treatment for you.

Depending on the kind of acne you have, the AAD suggests the following:

Comedonal acne refers to blackheads and other related pimples. Choose products containing retinoids, including adapalene gel, known under the brand name Different.

  • Scarred acne. Azelaic acid carries out its’ work in the reduction of acne as well as the chances of forming scars on the skin.
  • If one wants to treat different forms of acne at the same time the AAD suggests using benzoyl peroxide, tretinoin, and adapalene gel.
  • Combining these treatments can dry out your skin, so apply a moisturizer to keep it hydrated. 
10 Expert Tips for Achieving Clear Skin in Just 6 Weeks

4. Apply moisturizer

How can a moisturizer help your skin clear up? If your skin is over dry, it may attempt to balance it out by producing more sebum. What was the result? Breakouts

  • Moisturizers, like cleansers, do not need to be pricey or include sophisticated chemicals. Most importantly, choose a moisturizer that is not comedogenic. In other words, it won’t clog your pores.
  • If you have oily skin, “lightweight” moisturizers are preferable to not feel too oily and heavy on the skin.
  • Some people find that they need to use more moisturizers in the winter because the cold, dry air causes their skin to tighten and dry. 
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5. Exfoliate

A process of exfoliation helps get rid of the skin cells that are already dead. These cells can cause acne if they stay on your skin for long and if they clog your pores.

A buildup of skin cells on the face can cause the skin to look dry, scaly or wrinkled before its time.

The following exfoliating treatments may help remove dry, dead skin:

  • A 2% salicylic acid skin mask
  • A skin mask or lotion containing 10% or less glycolic acid.
  • A motorized face brush.

How frequently should you exfoliate?. The exfoliant you’re applying has a big impact.

Use chemical exfoliants, such skin masks or lotions, once or twice each week. Apply physical scrubs, washcloths or brushes on the skin 3-4 times a week.

Start with less frequency of exfoliations and avoid over exfoliating your skin.

If you have inflammatory acne (pustules and cysts), the AAD suggests that you consult your dermatologist first, as some methods of exfoliation can aggravate inflammatory acne.

10 Expert Tips for Achieving Clear Skin in Just 6 Weeks

6. Get plenty of sleep

Lack of sleep also contributes to worsening of skin breakouts.

  • According to a survey conducted in 2015, it was realized that sixty-five percent of the study participants who complained of feeling sleepy had acne.
  • The study’s authors hypo thesis that a lack of sleep can occasionally lead to the production of inflammatory substances in the body.
  •  Some of these substances can cause skin rashes, or worsen acne, and other skin related ailments.
  • Aim for seven to nine hours of great sleep per night to keep healthy both inside and out.

7. Choose cosmetics that will not cause your pores to become blocked.

People who apply makeup seem to be more prone to breakouts. To ensure that your cosmetic routine is skin-friendly, you should:

  • Use goods labelled as “non-comedogenic” or “oil-free.”
  • Wash your hands before applying any make up or creams or any other product on your skin.
  • Never go to bed or go for exercise with your makeup on.
  • At least once a week, you should clean your makeup brushes and sponges.

This disorder produces little, raised bumps that typically occur on the chin, cheeks, or forehead. 

8. Don’t pick at your skin

It’s quite difficult not to pick at yourself. However, resisting is necessary for the health of your skin.

Picking or bursting your pore exposes it to additional microorganisms, especially those from your hands. It also increases the chances of infection or scarring.

If you have a very painful pimple, visit a dermatologist. They can use some techniques to remove the pimple and also reduce the chances of bacteria getting to the area. 

10 Expert Tips for Achieving Clear Skin in Just 6 Weeks

9. Relax

If you are in a stressful event or situation, look for ordinary stress-reduction methods. Some choices are:

  • Taking half an hour to one hour of high to moderate intensity exercise sessions.
  • Practice breathing exercises.
  • Do yoga.
  • Meditate for a few minutes.
  • Write it down.
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With sound therapy you have a lot of opportunities: playing the instrument or just listening to your favourite songs.

10. Go easy on the sugar

Due to the scarcity of data on diet and skin, there are only few linkages that have been established; however, it is following the recent research that foods with high GI may be a cause of acne.

In a big 2009 trial, almost 2,000 people were put on a low-glycemic diet. They not only lost weight, but 87 percent of the participants reported less acne. Furthermore, 91 percent reported using less acne medication.

To limit your consumption of foods with a high glycemic index, try:

  • Reduce your intake of simple refined carbohydrates found in white bread and all baked products.
  • Avoid sweet products and sweetened foods and beverages as much as possible.
  • Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and good quality protein foods.
  • Limit your alcohol intake.
10 Expert Tips for Achieving Clear Skin in Just 6 Weeks

11. Don’t smoke

There is a large body of scientific evidence associating smoking to an increased risk of acne.

One study included women aged 25 to 50 who had acne. The study’s authors discovered that roughly 73% of individuals who smoked had acne, while only 29.4% of women who did not smoke had pimples or other forms of acne.

If you need help quitting smoking, talk to your doctor about available quit aids.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to maintaining a clear complexion, pay care of everything you put on your face, including cleansers, moisturizers, and even cosmetics. Consider what you don’t put on your face, such as a profusion of bacteria on your fingertips or contaminated brushes and sponges.

This is accompanied by further sub-variables that correspond to the common modifiable skin health conventions, such as the amount of sleep, diet, stress levels, and A skin-Care routine.

If you almost have tried all and none of the different products that hint at curing acne has helped, you should seek the help of a dermatologist. Your dermatologist may then prescribe antibiotics or prescription drugs that can be taken to clear the skin. If you do not yet have a dermatologist, you should use our Healthline search to find one in your area.


Washing your face twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed, is recommended for clear skin. Research has it that washing with a cleanser twice daily will go a long way in reducing acne cases as opposed to washing twice a day.

To people with acne, you should choose comfortable and substantially means of a noncomedogenic category. These won’t clog the pores, they will not cause the skin to produce more oils which can lead to creation of blackheads.

Yes, diet plays a role. Big food particles such as refined carbohydrates, and sugary products, make acne worse as they have high Glycemic index. Choose low GI foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean meat so that you get improvement in clear skin.

If the OTC treatments do not help you to get clear skin, you must see a dermatologist. They can give you antibiotics, topical retinoids, or another medication relating to your skin problem.

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